[MOON 1142]
Rock Island Quebec is a small town today and was even
smaller in the 1930’s when it was issued precancel stamps. It merged with three other towns in 1995 to
form Stanstead which has a combined population of 3000 people. It is located on the US/Canadian border. The nearby Haskell Free Library and Opera
House straddles the border. Haskell Free Library and Opera
Haskell Library & Opera House
It sits
astride the US-Canadian Border.
Located in the reading room of the Haskell
Library &
Opera House in Derby Line,
Island was settled in 1798 by Samuel and Selah Pomroy from Massachusetts. In
1802, a bridge was built across the Tomifobia River to ease access to Derby
Line. The following year, Col. Charles Kilborn built a saw mill and a corn
mill, then set up a dam on the river to feed them. A few years later, a channel
was dug in the bend of the river. The territory located between the channel and
the river was named Rock Island. Rock
Island was incorporated as a village in 1892, and became a city in 1957.
The wife
of Frederick Banting, the co-discoverer of insulin in 1922 is a native of Rock
Island and a park is named in their honor.
town is on the US border and was one of the many smuggling points into the USA
for liquor in the 20’s and 30’s and eventually back into Canada for consumer
It is also the home of the Dairy Association Company, the manufacturers
of Bag Balm. Bag
is a salve developed in 1899 to soothe irritation on cows’ udders after milking!
It also is used for "squeaky bed
springs, psoriasis, dry facial skin, cracked fingers, burns, zits, diaper rash,
saddle sores, sunburn, pruned trees, rifles, shell casings, bed sores and
radiation burns." Would it help
philatelists with tweezer rash?
Bag Balm was taken to the North Pole by Admiral Byrd, it
was used by Allied troops in World War II (to protect weapons from rust), it
was used at Ground Zero in New York after 9/11 for the paws of cadaver-sniffing
dogs, and it has been used by American troops in the wars in Iraq and
Rock Island was also issued precancelled postage stamps
and since it was such a small town, were these stamps used to help sell Bag
Balm? A Bag Balm PC cover would be a great find!
Style 1 Style 2
More interesting, perhaps, than a combined library/opera
house existing, much less straddling an international
border, and an udder balm that works miracles on saddle sores and radiation
burns, are a couple of precancels issued to Rock Island in 1935; the Jubilee
Issue 1-211 one cent green and 1-212 two cent brown and the main reason for the
1-211 1-212
I find them
interesting for three reasons. First
they are part of the King George V Silver Jubilee issue and are the only
“commemoratives” after the 1897 “Jubilees” of Queen Victoria’s Golden
Jubilee. Second, they both have
portraits of future monarchs; King George VI and Queen Elizabeth II. Indeed the issue also contained a third
future monarch, Edward VIII who became king in January 1936 after his father
died aged 70 injecting with an overdose of morphine and cocaine. He abdicated within a year and this was the
only Canadian stamp with his portrait as Prince of Wales. The third interesting
point about 211 and 212 is that no other town in Canada was issued these particular
stamps precancelled and no other town specific stamps were so narrowly
issued. In this sense, at least, they
are rare and the reason for this unusual situation is explained below.
There were two main users of precancels in Rock Island as
explained in the Handbook and as expanded upon by Lussey in his exhibit. One user was Butterfield Tools which had an
operation in Rock Island for many years until it was closed down in 1982 after
a long and bitter industrial dispute.
For more information:
The main user of precancels was probably Spencer Corsets,
Canada, Ltd. The General Manager at the
time, J.D. Ferguson was a philatelist and a keen collector of precancels. The reason that Rock Island is the only town
issued with the 1935 Jubilees is because he specifically requested them and
persisted at a higher level when his request was originally denied by the Post
Office. Whether his company was the only
user is not clear but since his was a special request he was almost certainly
the exclusive user. According to Lussey,
H.L. Chandler of Montreal recorded on February 16th 1938 the
following information which he obtained from Mr. Ferguson that, of the two
Jubilees, between one and five thousand of the one cent were printed but only
one thousand of the two cent. As far as
the Medallion and KGV issue are
concerned, a large number of the Medallion one cent were used, less than two
thousand of the two cent and only one thousand of the three cent. Both George V items were used at a rate of
about 1500 per month.
Two styles of 1142 Moon PC’s were issued to Rock Island. There are a total of 13 stamps to collect one
of which is elusive [to me at least]. It
is the 1-197 3 cent carmine Die 1. It is
listed at $150. I have it in my $150
want list which is longer than expected leading me to believe that there are
many very scarce stamps priced at $150 and Rock Island has one. If only ten panes of the Medallion three cents
were printed, is it likely that both dies were available as per the catalogue?
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